Hardened Hearts
Every day there seem to be more and more victims from random acts of cruelty. And the frightening part is that these horrifically insensitive betrayals are not coming from our stereotypical pathological criminals, but from our children's classmates, our next door neighbors, our peers, and our co-workers. What is happening that is causing such a rampant and viral case of hardened hearts? Although there are probably all kinds of studies and research done on answering such a complex question, it boils down to the sad realization, I believe, that we have become desensitized by the anonymity of technology. Because we can hide behind a computer, or hold an IPhone in the palm of our hands, or capture pictures in the secrecy of our hidden position, we have easily taken on the role of perpetual perpetrator . Too many of us don't think twice about the harm and damage we are spreading when we email, post, twitter, blog, etc. a cruel message, photo, or image of another human being. We do i...