We live in a time when 'the good news is' - everyone has a voice! We live in a time when 'the bad news is' - everyone has a voice! It is incredibly freeing and exciting to be able to state our thoughts, feelings, and emotions to a vast audience with just the click of a tab or key. At the same time, whenever we do so, we not only open ourselves up for constructive comment or criticism or perhaps even affirmation, but often we put ourselves at risk for judgment, evaluation, and incredible injury. How then, do we respect our voices especially in the digital age? Many times our voice is disrespected because we are not as selective and discerning as we need to be in our disclosures. First, we must value the content of what we have to say . And, we must respect the way we deliver our words and to whom we deliver them. Yes, we need to take ownership of our words and demonstrate that we value our voice. In order to practice this, start implementing a str...