Let's Talk About Relapse - Day 12 - The Mask of Denial !

Last week, I blogged about the 3 Masks of Relapse. As an introduction, I wrote, "I believe that the very moment we are triggered and are tempted into relapse, we are presented with three masks.These masks seduce us into further relapse and they extend our stay there." And I went on to say that we have a choice - either to adorn the masks and re-enter into the dance of destruction or to leave the masks behind and continue embracing the dance of discovery. Today, let's start learning about the 3 Masks of Relapse and how understanding them can indeed help us sustain our recovery! We will begin with the Mask of Denial - probably the one we are most familiar Mask of Denial with; and, in my opinion, probably the one that is the toughest to deal with. Although the 3 Masks can present themselves in any order, I find that typically it is the Mask of Denial that rears its ugly face first! This is important. Think back for minute about what was going on with your thi...