Wellness in the New Year - Step One : Letting Go of Stuff...

"The first wealth is health" - Ralph Waldo Emerson With the New Year here, many of us are already stressing about what new resolutions or expectations we should place upon ourselves. That is typically followed by the dread of how quickly we will break them or not measure up to them. I have a suggestion - let's greet the New Year by letting go of stuff. Lots of Stuff!! By stuff, I mean anything! It could be letting go of .... a person or persons- a toxic relationship, an unhealthy partner, a dysfunctional family member, a negative group... a place or thing - the memory of or a tangible reminder of an environment or person that is harmful or unpleasant... an idea or thought - negative life messages, worry, pessimism... an emotion, attitude or feeling - regret, guilt, grief, anger, blame, self-doubt, disappointment... a behavior or habit - rescuing unhealthy individuals, over- committing, working too many hours, not eating right or exe...