Tug of War Wellness? Enough Already!

I feel blessed to be living in the Information Age. But....sometimes it is so crazy-making!Hundreds of different messages being thrown our way, every day! Do some of these ring a bell? Drink lots of water every day. But don't drink tap water. Drink bottled. No, don't do that either - there are chemicals in bottled water! Drink filtered water! Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. No, three times a week for 45 minutes is perfect! Better yet, walk - dance - move - do something - what ever you can! Eat six small meals a day! No four! Get rid of the carbs...no, eliminate the fats!! No more red meat...wait, fish is bad too, especially bottom-feeders! Coffee is bad...no, now a little is ok. Drink tea...but it stains my teeth! Wine...ok...no, only if it's two glasses for males, one for females! Yikes!! Am I experiencing Tug of War Wellness?? Enough alrea...