
Showing posts from January, 2014

Tug of War Wellness? Enough Already!

I feel blessed to be living in the Information Age.  But....sometimes it is so crazy-making!Hundreds of different messages being thrown our way, every day!  Do some of these ring a bell? Drink lots of water every day.  But don't drink tap water.  Drink bottled.  No, don't do that either - there are chemicals in bottled water! Drink filtered water! Exercise every day for at least 30  minutes.  No, three times a week for 45 minutes is perfect!  Better yet, walk - dance - move - do something - what ever you can!   Eat six small meals a day!  No four!  Get rid of the, eliminate the fats!!  No more red meat...wait, fish is bad too, especially bottom-feeders!  Coffee is, now  a little is ok.  Drink tea...but it stains my teeth!, only if it's two glasses for males, one for females! Yikes!!  Am I experiencing Tug of War Wellness??  Enough alrea...

Finding A New Way Back From Relapse....In The New Year

I have blogged about relapse so many times, but I think it is such an important topic - especially in the New Year. As most of your know, when I write or talk about relapse, I am not talking to just a few people, but to everyone! You see, I believe that each and every one of us has - at one time or other - regressed or fallen back into a pattern of unhealthy thinking, behaving, or feeling.   It  might be for a day, a week, a month, or even years. However, I think that when we do, most of  us struggle with uncomfortable emotions that range from embarrassment, guilt, and self- doubt to debilitating shame. Tragically and ironically, these very emotions are what keep us bound in our relapse episode. As we begin this New Year, I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggle with relapse. I want you to know that after experiencing an extremely painful decline into emotional relapse, I gained a more empathic insight into relapse and a much deeper understandin...

Wellness in the New Year: Step Three: In Letting Go...We Give Back To Ourselves!!

For the past several weeks, we have been "letting go of stuff"!  This is a New Year and we want to cleanse ourselves of those people, places, things, emotions, etc. that bog us down and keep us from being in a well and whole place! In week one, we learned how to identify our "stuff' by completing a thorough self-inventory, and then in week two, we looked at some cognitive-behavioral strategies for "letting go of our stuff'! If you haven't done this yet, please start today.  If you are working on this, great!  Keep going....this is a process!  Go slowly and reward yourself along the way! Today, we are going to look at Step Three: In Letting Go...We Give Back To Ourselves. Step Three is  not really a "step" in the literal context of the word, but it is a critical concept of our renewal process in the New Year. Let me explain by sharing this short narrative. In my young adult life and all during my adult years, my dad maintained an extra...

Wellness in the New Year - Step Two: Ways of Letting Go of Stuff!

In Step One: Letting Go of Stuff , I asked you to complete a little homework assignment!  Did you do it?  If so, great. If not, let's review.  Take some time -  think about and write down answers to these two questions: 1. What is working in my life? Who or what is contributing to my well-being - augmenting my wellness, enhancing my sense of worth and of self, and fueling me in healthy ways? 2. Along with that, what is not working for me? Who or what is depleting me - taking away my energy, draining my resources, and diminishing my capacity for inner peace, balance, and joy? I wanted you to list both the healthy and unhealthy items because sometimes we start beating ourselves up when we focus only on the negatives in our lives.  So, congratulate yourself for the positive influences, emotions, or behaviors that you embrace! Looking over your list of 'who or what is depleting me', there could be quite a variety of people, places, emotions/attitudes/feelin...