Let's Have A Conversation About Codependency: Day 3 - Now What Do I Do?

Last time we learned what is means to be codependent, and we examined a couple of reasons as to why we are codependent. I want to stress that codependents are really caring, good people. This is a strength! However, it becomes a weakness when we over-invest into others to the degree that we are spent! I also want to impress upon codependents that knowledge is power. By understanding what is going on with us and why, our healing begins! Let's get started with two steps as we answer the question - Now what do I do? Shift in Thinking! First step - Shift in thinking or mindset . This may sound obvious but in order to begin your healing, it is critical that you make a shift in your thinking or mindset - acknowledging that what you are doing isn't working for you! If you still believe that you are responsible for saving someone else and that if you stop doing what you are doing, the other person won't make it on his/her own, you probably are n...