
Showing posts from July, 2014

Energy Zapper #1: Giving Advice! 3 Tips for Staying Recharged!

Over the next several blogs, we are going to discuss Energy Zappers! What are they? They are habits or social behaviors which are a part of our everyday life, but unfortunately they do very little to enhance our sense of well-being . Why? They deplete us! I want you to know that in discussing these, I am not judging anyone! I've had to work hard on all of the Energy Zappers at one time or another, and some I continue to struggle with!  Let's get started with Energy Zapper #1: Giving Advice!                                                                                                                                 Energy Zapper! For the most part, Giving Advic...

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) - Day 3: Living A Lifestyle of Wellness

Over the past two blogs, PMS - Separating Fact From Fiction  and  PMS - Charting The Way To Wellness , we have learned what PMS or PMDD  (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) is and what it isn't, and we discovered the importance of charting along with other diagnostic criteria in determining an accurate diagnosis of PMDD. Today, we are going to address treatment. The good news is that effective treatment involves living a lifestyle of wellness , something that our culture has more readily embraced on many different levels! Let's get started! Once other issues or disorders have been ruled out or addressed, living a lifestyle of wellness includes the following 6 guidelines or recommendations. 1. Your PMDD Chart is your friend!  This is so important! Your charting not only is a diagnostic tool, but it is your communication tool!  After three months, you will see a pattern emerge that communicates to you when your good days are - and when you not-so-good days...

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) - Day 2: Charting The Way To Wellness!

In last week's blog,  PMS: Day 1: Separating Fact From Fiction!  , we took a look at what PMS or PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) is and what it isn't!  Please take a read if you have not already. The most important fact we learned about PMDD is that it is a legitimate medical disorder! And although it has a physiological basis for causation, symptoms manifest both physically and psychologically! Today, we are going to take a look at how PMDD is  accurately diagnosed and assessed. Along with a comprehensive blood panel and a complete medical/psychological history, most experts can confirm or rule-out PMDD by requiring their patients or clients to chart their symptoms for a minimum of three months. Why is this important? Let me explain. Females suffering from PMDD do not experience their symptoms all month long. Symptoms typically are present for most of the time during the last week of the luteal phase (the time between ovulation and the onset of menses) ...

PMS (Premenstural Syndrome) - Day 1: Separating Fact From Fiction!

I was wondering what to write about this week and couldn't decide on a topic. I asked my husband for some suggestions and without hesitation, he responded "PMS"!  Actually, he has encouraged me to write about Premenstrual Syndrome for quite a while. Although it has been many, many years since I struggled with PMS, I don't think my husband has forgotten how much he suffered through it with me! All kidding aside, I'm going to take a  few weeks and blog about it. I believe there are many females who struggle with this disorder and who are silent about it because of the lingering shame, embarrassment, and confusion which accompany its symptoms and manifestations. Let's get started by Separating Fact From Fiction! What Is It? First of all, PMS is real! Please don't panic when I share this with you, but in the early 1990's PMS was included in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - PMDD, and i...

Couple Trouble? Day 4 - Help for Seniors!! Gen Xers, Millennials, and iGeners, take note!

As I have gotten older, I have noticed "Seniors Behaving Badly"!! They can also experience Couple Trouble!! Gen Xers, Millennials, and iGeners , take note! A few summers ago, I spent several months in the Palm  Springs area of Southern California. Although I had worked in the desert for many years, I had not lived there for a very long time. Because it is largely a retirement community, there is a substantial senior population, even during the summer months.  As the weeks passed, I was often taken back by the disrespectful and often mean behavior between senior partners .  Whether it was in a grocery store, or in line at a movie theater, or at a restaurant, I was frequently shocked and saddened at the level of arguing between them or of one partner barking at the other over nothing, and at the complete lack of patience, respect, or kindness exhibited from one spouse towards the other. It is not that I was naive to this sort of behavior; however, it seemed to jump out at...