
Showing posts from 2015

100,000 Views! Self-Worth vs Cyber-Worth!

Being an author in today's times, it is mandatory to embrace as many of the social networking platforms as I possibly have time for. As much as I resisted this practice in the earlier years of my writing career - blogging, posting, tweeting, texting, pinning, face-booking, sharing, uploading, liking, linking, and so on - have all become part of my daily routine! Along with the accumulation of multiple sources of networking, it is just as important - or even more important - to rack up as many followers, views, circles, friends, visits, boards, likes, posts, subscribers, groups, and so forth - in order to get in the game and stay in the game. And so for the past few months, I have been paying close attention to my Google + page, watching the number of views climb....and climb. Over the past few weeks, my cyber-worth has continued to soar. I've felt a bit of an adrenaline rush as I see it nearing a number I did not think possible for me - 100,000 views! I have to admit, the past ...

Get Ready To Get Empowered! Part II - Podcast Series

Jedlie  of  We Choose Respect Podcast  &  Holli Kenley Present  ~ Another Way Wednesday ParentCast ~ An entertaining and informative series about the characters, the story-line, and the lessons in " Another Way "! Parents, Youth, and Youth Leaders! Get a copy of "Another Way" and follow along! Or, take a listen and learn! Either way... Get Ready to Get Empowered! Another Way Wednesday Series! Part II Parents and Guardians, because we respect you...please note this series is for you and your children -  ages 11 and over . We recommend you listen first, and then listen with them! If you missed Part I, take a listen. Get Ready To Get Empowered! Part I - Podcast Series! Lessons Six - Nine! Lesson Six - Finding Another Way Back When our children stumble and fall, what are they feeling and how can they begin again? How does forgiveness relate to their worth  and making healthy decision...

Get Ready to Get Empowered! Part I - Podcast Series

Jedlie  of  We Choose Respect Podcast  &  Holli Kenley Present  ~ Another Way Wednesday ParentCast ~ An entertaining and informative series about the characters, the story-line, and the lessons in " Another Way "! Parents, Youth, and Youth Leaders! Get a copy of "Another Way" and follow along! Or, take a listen and learn! Either way... Get Ready to Get Empowered! Another Way Wednesday Series! Parents and Guardians, because we respect you...please note this series is for you and your children -  ages 11 and over . We recommend you listen first, and then listen with them!    Introduction - Meet The Characters & Discover What "Another Way" Can Do For You!                          Who is it for and why is it important?       Another Way  is for YOU: parents/guardians, youth and youth leaders, mentor...

Pt. Two - And Then We Were Three: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

Note ~ There are ten personality disorders listed in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. Their etiology is extremely complex as is management of them. The purpose of today's blog is to shed some light on  Borderline Personality Disorder.  Names have been changed for confidentiality.     First, I invite you to read - Pt. One - And Then We Were Three: A Troubled Relationship with a Borderline Sister Part Two - And Then We Were Three: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder It was towards the later part of the lengthy eighteen year span of upheaval when I entered graduate school to pursue a career as a Marriage and Family Therapist. In one of my first psychology classes, we began studying the Axis II Disorders (often referred to as personality disorders) cataloged in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 1V).  One evening in class as the professor moved through the ‘Personality Disorders’, my attention...

And Then We Were Three: A Troubled Relationship with a Borderline Sister

Note ~ There are ten personality disorders listed in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. Their etiology is extremely complex as is management of them. The purpose of today's blog is to shed some light on Borderline Personality Disorder. Names have been changed for confidentiality.      Part One - And Then We Were Three: A Troubled Relationship with a Borderline Sister   I was overly excited as I slid out of the driver’s seat and walked briskly to the entrance of “Carats” – a specialty boutique filled will all sorts of bling.  Although there were shelves lined with shiny sliver -stoned purses and glass cases protecting rows of sparkling chains and bobbles, I had my eye out for a delicate but extraordinarily elaborate picture frame.  I had been into the shimmering little shop a few weeks previously; it was then I spotted the perfect 60 th birthday gift for my older sister.      As I approached the nearly six...

A Feast of Face to Face Connections - No Technology at the Tables

What I am about to share is based solely on anecdotal experience and observation.  Nothing more. My husband Dan and I recently returned from a vacation to parts of Western Europe and the Mediterranean. Thrilled to have an opportunity to share places I had visited as a college student and then as an adult, I couldn't wait to explore the wonders of other cultures with the love of my life! And, he was just as excited to experience it for the first time. Arriving first in Paris, we set out to visit as many of the tourist attractions as we could fit in during our stay there. In spite of the untimely heat wave, we did just that.  But because Dan and I are "foodies", we reserved our meal times for sleuthing out specialty restaurants and boutique cafe's nestled between quaint shops and greeted by cobblestone streets.  One afternoon, we stumbled across La Saotico - a gem of a restaurant. After being warmly welcomed by the owner, we made ourselves comfortable while s...