~ Helen ~ Grateful for My Sister and for the Gift of Healing Together

October 2015 “Hello. You’ve reached the Enchantment Resort and Spa. How may I direct your call?” “Yes, could you please connect me with Chi Ah Chi Restaurant?” “It would be my pleasure. Please hold just a moment.” As I waited for the transfer, my excitement grew thinking about the day of celebration being planned for my sister. I had carefully selected a perfect place – and as it states on their website, “A place curated exclusively for you.” What could be better? Strategically nestled among giant rock formations patterned with rings of chocolate lightly ensconced into the earth’s rich rust layers is one of Sedona’s most elegant places of indulgence – The Enchantment Resort and Spa. I wanted my sister’s 60 th birthday to be special. I wanted her to feel special. A warm inviting voice broke my momentary trance. “Good afternoon, Chi Ah Chi Restaurant. How may we help you?” “I would like to make a reservation, please, ...