Blindsided by the Betrayal Bandit? Understanding why it hurts so badly!

Over the past several weeks, we have been talking about a very debilitating injury - betrayal. To gain a better understanding of betrayal and the recovering information we've covered, I encourage you to read the previous blogs before moving ahead: Blindsided by the Betrayal Bandit? (1) Hold is on the way!! ; (2) What is behind the mask? ; (3) Feeling "Confused, Worthless and Powerless"? ; and (4) Free yourself from four painful traps! Today, we will tackle our last blog in this series, but it is perhaps the most important one - understanding why injury from betrayal hurts so badly. When we can make sense of why we are feeling incredible pain, or when we come to learn that there are sound explanations for the debilitating states we find ourselves in, an inner level of comfort takes hold and our healing begins. Let's examine two features of betrayal which explain why we hurt so badly. #1 Underlying...