"Screen Kids": An Audio Series!!

Insights Into Education Podcast presents"Screen Kids!" Our motivation is simple. Our hearts are heavy with concern and care for your children's health and well-being. This first part of a five-part series is a gentle introduction for parents, guardians, and for anyone entrusted with the health and well-being of our children. Holli speaks with educators Ed Berger and Dan Kenley presenting information about the damage electronic screens (smart phones, iPads, video games) have on our children's health. Because Holli is concerned that much of this new information will cause an overreaction and possibly generate guilt and negative responses, she takes a soft-spoken but professional approach. She identifies dangers and offers courses of action that will alleviate these problems. The next episodes go deeper into the issues we all need to be aware of. Real Power Means Being Informed! Take a listen! Screens Kids Intro...