Detached Families, Disconnected Relationships, and Distracted Students: 4 Non-Negotiable Steps To Reclaim Them!

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to the staff of a comprehensive high school in Southern California about Screen Dependence. Because it is also a boarding school, I was able to connect with the academic faculty as well as the home-living staff. For three hours, we covered a lot of material: cyber bullying, screen dependence, and the growing health concerns within eac h. We also discussed several strategies and interventions for moving forward. Although I presented a research-based workshop, I was also mindful of involving the audience in several interactive exercises in order for the material to connect with them. I was hoping they would welcome the participation. Wow! I was warmed by their honesty and involvement, and I felt the heaviness in their voices as they described their experiences with.... Detached Families, Disconnected Relationships, and Distracted Students. Alone together Over the past decade, I have had the privilege to present to many incre...