Feeling Stuck From Betrayal Injury? The Betrayal Whisperer Is Here To Help!

It is so easy to feel stuck in betrayal. Why? The very nature of betrayal tells us that you didn't do anything wrong. Someone else or something else wronged you! Therefore, someone or something else needs to fix it or make it right! Unfortunately, this kind of thinking is a trap and it will keep you stuck. In order to start freeing yourself from betrayal, it is important to know the traps and how they are impacting you. Let's get started. Feeling Stuck From Betrayal Injury?The Betrayal Whisperer Is Here To Help! Five Common Traps! Trap #1: Waiting for someone or something else to fix it or make it right. This is the biggest trap that victims of betrayal fall into. As already mentioned, this is a completely natural feeling to have. Although this is not the case for everyone, most individuals wait for the betrayer to come to his/her senses, to apologize, or to make amends or restitution. Other victims of betrayal may wait...