June is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Month: Collective Trauma & 3 Tools For Your Family

Amidst an escalating environment of anger, blame, and chaos over the past several years, folks are hesitant to turn on the TV, view their Facebook page, or see what is trending on Twitter or other social sites. Although we want to stay informed, many of us feel overwhelming sadness and stress as ongoing traumas such as environmental disasters, mass shootings, and chronic political turmoil are continually being replayed, re-tweeted, re-posted, etc. As this cloud of anxiety hovers over us, we wonder when the next tragedy is going to happen and how folks will cope. Cautiously surfing through the TV stations one evening, I stumbled across a calm rational news contributor who reported on the "collective trauma" we are all experiencing. She acknowledged that recent threats of war as well as past political divisions and crises, combined with the plethora of killings and devastating hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes have become a "norm." However, she firmly stated that...