How to Manage Money in Marriage by Guest Author Jennifer Scott

How to Manage Money in Marriage Jennifer Scott The wedding hall is cleared, the glitter dust cloud has settled, and thank-you notes are sent: You are officially past wedding mode and into married life. Newlyweds have a long and exciting time to look forward to together. However, there are also a lot of important decisions to make. One of the most vital parts of married life is effective money management. It’s important that you and your spouse are on the same page when it comes to finances. After all, financial disagreements are one of the leading causes of relationship stress, and ignoring money issues is a recipe for disaster. Instead, strengthen your relationship by tackling your finances together with these helpful tips. Focus on Frank, Respectful Communication When it comes to money, there’s no point in beating around the bush. The more frank conversations about money you and your partner can have, the better off you’ll be. Always remember to say exactly what ...