Healthy Families: Is Mine For-GIVING?

We are having a discussion about Healthy Families. If you are new to this series, please return to Part One Healthy Families: Is Mine Free of Entanglements? , and Part Two Healthy Families: Is Mine Flexible? Then join us here. We are examining families as a “system.” In other words, families are like complex moving machines where each individual is an integral and interdependent part to its overall level of functioning and wellbeing. Today, we move to Part Three Healthy Families: Is Mine For-Giving? Any system functions well when there is a shared mindset of For-Giving. We are not talking about the traditional definitions of forgiveness when one party pardons, excuses, or absolves another. We are talking about an intentional interplay between family members in which each person is responsible for the wellbeing of the system by implementing three behaviors. Families are healthy when they share a mindset of For-Giving: To Se...