
Showing posts from 2021

Family Is Important and So Am I: Part Three: Choose Your Sources of Respectful Support and Loving Connection

  Family Is Important and So Am I:  Part Three - Choose Your Sources of Respectful Support  and Loving Connection Today's blog is Part Three of three-part series: Family Is Important and So Am I. If you have not already read  Part One and Part Two , please do so and then return here. It is important to Choose Your Truth and Choose Your Health so that you can establish a solid foundation from which to Choose Your Sources of Respectful Support and Loving Connection.  This series is for individuals who have worked on their wellness, or for those who are currently embracing a path of recovery, or for those who have chosen an intentional healthy way of being which is much different from their family of origin.  And in spite of their levels of wellness, these individuals find themselve s  still injured by family members .   Although we cannot change the unhealthy behaviors of others, we can choose our response to them.     L...

Family Is Important and So Am I: Part Two - Choose Your Health

  Family Is Important and So Am I - Part Two:  Choose Your Health Today's blog is Part Two of three-part series: Family Is Important and So Am I. If you have not already read Part One , please do so and then return here. It is important to Choose Your Truth so that you can establish a foundation from which to Choose Your Health. This series is for individuals who have worked on their wellness, or for those who are currently embracing a path of recovery, or for those who have chosen an intentional healthy way of being which is much different from their family of origin.  And in spite of their levels of wellness, these individuals find themselve s  still injured by family members .   Although we cannot change the unhealthy behaviors of others, we can choose our response to them.     Let's grab hold of another healing choice. It is time to stop hurting and… Choose Your Health As we have discussed in Part One, some families are heal...

Family Is Important and So Am I : Part One - Choose Your Truth

Family Is Important and So Am I – Part One: Choose Your Truth Today's blog is Part One of three-part series: Family Is Important and So Am I Family.  A complicated topic.   Some are healthy. Some are not. Many treat one another with unconditional positive regard, love, acceptance, and belonging. Many do not.  Most families face all kinds of difficulties and life-altering disturbances. Compassionate and empathic family members come together, supporting one another and finding a way through their challenges. Sadly, there are many families who choose not to. This series is for individuals who have worked on their wellness, or for those who are currently embracing a path of recovery, or for those who have chosen an intentional healthy way of being which is much different from their family of origin.  And in spite of their levels of wellness, these individuals find themselve s  still injured by family members .  Because families are quite comp...

How to Manage Money in Marriage by Guest Author Jennifer Scott

How to Manage Money in Marriage Jennifer Scott  The wedding hall is cleared, the glitter dust cloud has settled, and thank-you notes are sent: You are officially past wedding mode and into married life. Newlyweds have a long and exciting time to look forward to together. However, there are also a lot of important decisions to make. One of the most vital parts of married life is effective money management. It’s important that you and your spouse are on the same page when it comes to finances. After all, financial disagreements are one of the leading causes of relationship stress, and ignoring money issues is a recipe for disaster. Instead, strengthen your relationship by tackling your finances together with these helpful tips.  Focus on Frank, Respectful Communication When it comes to money, there’s no point in beating around the bush. The more frank conversations about money you and your partner can have, the better off you’ll be. Always remember to say exactly what ...

"The Me You Can't See": How To Stop Hiding Behind Your Hurt and Start Sharing Your Story

Oprah Winfrey  and  Prince Harry have produced a new series on mental health - "The Me You Can't See"  If  the words, "the me you can't see" speak to you in any way, I encourage you to watch this powerful series. If you're feeling like an imposter or unseen because you are hiding behind your hurt, the stories of shared suffering in "The Me You Can't See" will connect with you in ways which you may not have felt before.   Inspired by the series, today's blog is a personal message to you. Because of the stigma and shame around the fragility of our mental health, many of  us walk around with emotional and psychological wounds thinking it is better to pretend that nothing is wrong than to admit our lives are not working for us in the ways we have dreamed of and desired. I hope today's blog will encourage you to share your feelings and allow yourself to be seen.  Although there are many reasons why individuals don't seek help or de...

"Untamed" Teaches Us About The Cages We Live In: How Do We Break Free?

During the past year, several of my adult female clients excitedly shared about a book they had read and how it had helped them in numerous ways. Because I want to be able to connect with teachings which are meaningful to my clients, I ordered and read  "Untamed: stop pleasing, start living"  by Glennon Doyle . Not only have I read it several times, but I have also listened to the audiobook, in full, twice.  Today's blog is not a review of  "Untamed." There are thousands of them on Amazon. The purpose of today's blog is to tap into the powerful message of how "Untamed" Teaches Us About The Cages We Live In, and to explore How Do We Break Free?  In doing so, we will highlight two important cages  -  the unhealthy relationships we have with others and the one we have with ourselves.  Because I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, my work is specifically tailored to the healing of relationships. When my clients come to me, most are in ...

COVID Pandemic: Grief and Gifts

As we near the one year anniversary of the COVID Pandemic, our lives have been ravaged on every level. We have spent much of the last year grieving our losses: personal, relational, professional, financial, and of course, loss of human life. Although there is hope on the horizon with various vaccines, we can anticipate there will be more loss impacting us in the months ahead before we begin to reclaim and restore our lives more fully.  As tragic as all this is, over the past year I have had the privilege of witnessing how my clients have experienced a series of "shifts" during this difficult time of heartbreak, stress. and overwhelm. It has reminded me that even during the darkest days of this COVID Pandemic, there is indeed Grief. And, if we are willing to receive them, there are Gifts.   Gift One: Less Is More As soon as the pandemic hit, the brakes were put on our lives. Most of us were forced to come to an immediate stop or at the very least take our foot off the acc...