Family Is Important and So Am I: Part Three: Choose Your Sources of Respectful Support and Loving Connection

Family Is Important and So Am I: Part Three - Choose Your Sources of Respectful Support and Loving Connection Today's blog is Part Three of three-part series: Family Is Important and So Am I. If you have not already read Part One and Part Two , please do so and then return here. It is important to Choose Your Truth and Choose Your Health so that you can establish a solid foundation from which to Choose Your Sources of Respectful Support and Loving Connection. This series is for individuals who have worked on their wellness, or for those who are currently embracing a path of recovery, or for those who have chosen an intentional healthy way of being which is much different from their family of origin. And in spite of their levels of wellness, these individuals find themselve s still injured by family members . Although we cannot change the unhealthy behaviors of others, we can choose our response to them. L...