We Are Betraying Our Children and They Are Dying: Three Actions To Take Right Now

A Wake-up Call Parents and Guardians and anyone entrusted with the care and wellbeing of our children, today’s blog is A Wake-Up Call. On the news this last week, the CDC released a report titled Youth Risk Behavior Survey . This was a two-year survey of 9 th – 12 th graders across the country about a range of health behaviors and experiences. The results also validate trends over the past decade. The statistics are startling but not surprising. 11% of all teens reported facing sexual violence in the past year. 18% of girls and 22% of LGBTQ youth. 60% of teen girls had depressive symptoms in the past year (highest level in a decade). Suicide rates have sky-rocketed. One in three girls reported seriously considering suicide in the past year (60% rise from a decade ago). Teen girls who experienced sexual violence increased 20% between 2017 and 2021. 52% of teens experienced poor mental health in the past year. One in five had attempted suicide during that tim...