Through A Mother's Eyes: Remembering My Son-In-Law DAVID B. PETERSON

On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, my beloved son-in-law David B. Peterson passed away after suffering a complication incurred from a previous stroke. Over the weekend of May 23-25, David was honored with a Celebration of Life. In their desire to further honor David's life, family and friends established the David B. Peterson Memorial through the Craig Foundation, ( providing unparalleled neurorehabilitation and support for people who have sustained a life-altering brain and/or spinal cord injury by providing a safety net for patients and families whose financial means are inadequate to meet the financial burdens associated with ‘going home.’ Your contributions are welcomed and appreciated. For twenty-two years, it was an honor to have David as a part of our family. We miss him. We love him. Through a Mother’s Eyes Remembering My Son-In-Law DAVID B. PETERSON A sparkle emerged Landed in my daughter’s eyes Yes, love at first sight ...