The Humpty Dumpty Puzzle: How to live a healthy life while being a part of an unhealthy family

The Humpty Dumpty Puzzle: How to live a healthy life while being a part of an unhealthy family Introduction When I was a little girl, I remember listening to a strange little nursery rhyme – Humpty Dumpty. Although it was one of many popular nursery rhymes of my childhood, it was sad and odd. It goes like this: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the King’s horseman and all the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again Background In my adolescent, teen, and young adult years, I knew my family of origin was not healthy. There was alcoholism, emotional abuse, anger, and fractured relationships. It wasn’t until I embraced my recovery in my 30’s that I realized the depth of my family’s brokenness. I moved away from my family of origin and although I loved them, I - along with my husband and daughter - created a new, healthy way of being and I lived my life apart from them – physically and emotionally. My life conti...