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How Courage Opened the Door to JOY

How Courage Opened the Door to JOY Introduction Have you ever wanted to make a change in your life?  Have you ever said you were going to change and then nothing ever happened?  Have you wondered what might be holding you back? As I share my insights in today’s blog, I hope you will discover as I did that although change is never easy, its genesis lies within us -  COURAGE                   Background Almost two years ago, a deeply beloved member of our family suddenly passed away. I have experienced other losses in my life. But this one magnified the fragility of life and its stark brevity.  As I moved through my grief, I made a promise to myself – I was intentionally going to seek out JOY.  In order to do that, it would require Courage.  Courage to change. Courage to be vulnerable.    Courage to Change All of my adult life I have dedicated myself to helping others, first as teacher and then as a...

The Humpty Dumpty Puzzle: How to live a healthy life while being a part of an unhealthy family

  The Humpty Dumpty Puzzle: How to live a healthy life while being a part of an unhealthy family Introduction When I was a little girl, I remember listening to a strange little nursery rhyme – Humpty Dumpty.  Although it was one of many popular nursery rhymes of my childhood, it was sad and odd.  It goes like this: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall  Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the King’s horseman and all the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again Background  In my adolescent, teen, and young adult years, I knew my family of origin was not healthy. There was alcoholism, emotional abuse, anger, and fractured relationships. It wasn’t until I embraced my recovery in my 30’s that I realized the depth of my family’s brokenness. I moved away from my family of origin and although I loved them, I - along with my husband and daughter - created a new, healthy way of being and I lived my life apart from them – physically and emotionally.  My life conti...

No More Regret! Three Tips For Putting Your New Year's Resolutions To Work!

  Resolutions are statements about whether to do or not to do something.  We make them, especially as we enter into a new year, hoping they will encourage us to make shifts and changes in our quality of living. The problem is that when it comes time to implement them, most folks become easily discouraged, give up, and abandon them as quickly as they were made.  Unfortunately, after our good intentions have failed once again, we feel embarrassed. We feel regret.. and lots of it. Although there are books written on this topic, we're going to keep it simple. Let's take a look at  Three Tips For Putting Your New Year's Resolutions To Work!   Tip One: Start with realistic specific goals. One reason resolutions don't work is because folks avoid addressing "roadblocks." As you begin thinking about the changes or shifts you want to make, be honest with yourself about your current reality. What obstacles do you face?   What is your weekly schedule demanding of ...

A Shining Strand of Twelve Voices

  Dedicated to my Fellow Speakers  ~ Holli Kenley One year ago Twelve Speakers gathered together Excited. Eager to share their messages   Six months of preparation and practice Leading to this moment in time A TEDx Talk.  A Dream   They knew early on They shared a common theme Compassion. Caring. Giving to others   The audience gathered Confusion. Tech issues. Nerves. Each took the stage Each radiant voice illuminating a strand of possibilities – Learning.  Healing. Transforming   Voices of Courage to Change Charlene teaching truths about domestic violence, offering concrete tools for a path to freedom Holli providing new insight into shame and relapse, offering an empathic approach for a path to healing Veronica inspiring others to rewrite their painful stories, offering empowering steps for a path to  positivity   Voices of Commitment to Self- Care Martina shifting perspectives on the power of ...

Living With Skin Cancer: Embracing A Mindset of Self-Compassion

  For most of my adult life, I have dealt with pesky skin spots and minor skin growths. A trip to the dermatologist has always remedied these nuisances with a quick freezing or a simple shaving .   Unfortunately, over the past fifteen years, the basal cell carcinomas which were easily treated on my back, legs, and upper chest began to surface on my scalp. While recuperating at home the last few days after an eighth surgery on my scalp, I am well-aware that my journey with skin cancer thus far may not be as life-threatening as with individuals who are suffering from other kinds of cancer, chronic illnesses, or serious conditions. Nonetheless, I believe in the concept of shared suffering and in the healing connections which draw us together.   Therefore, my message is two-fold. I have learned that I am not be able to control the progression or the outcome of living with skin cancer. However, I can embrace a mindset of self-compassion. Let’s explore three healing pro...