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A Shining Strand of Twelve Voices

  Dedicated to my Fellow Speakers  ~ Holli Kenley One year ago Twelve Speakers gathered together Excited. Eager to share their messages   Six months of preparation and practice Leading to this moment in time A TEDx Talk.  A Dream   They knew early on They shared a common theme Compassion. Caring. Giving to others   The audience gathered Confusion. Tech issues. Nerves. Each took the stage Each radiant voice illuminating a strand of possibilities – Learning.  Healing. Transforming   Voices of Courage to Change Charlene teaching truths about domestic violence, offering concrete tools for a path to freedom Holli providing new insight into shame and relapse, offering an empathic approach for a path to healing Veronica inspiring others to rewrite their painful stories, offering empowering steps for a path to  positivity   Voices of Commitment to Self- Care Martina shifting perspectives on the power of the brain over pain, delivering hope for the hurt

Living With Skin Cancer: Embracing A Mindset of Self-Compassion

  For most of my adult life, I have dealt with pesky skin spots and minor skin growths. A trip to the dermatologist has always remedied these nuisances with a quick freezing or a simple shaving .   Unfortunately, over the past fifteen years, the basal cell carcinomas which were easily treated on my back, legs, and upper chest began to surface on my scalp. While recuperating at home the last few days after an eighth surgery on my scalp, I am well-aware that my journey with skin cancer thus far may not be as life-threatening as with individuals who are suffering from other kinds of cancer, chronic illnesses, or serious conditions. Nonetheless, I believe in the concept of shared suffering and in the healing connections which draw us together.   Therefore, my message is two-fold. I have learned that I am not be able to control the progression or the outcome of living with skin cancer. However, I can embrace a mindset of self-compassion. Let’s explore three healing properties of Emb

Where Is Your Beauty ?

On Saturday, March 30th, 2024, I had the honor of competing in  Ms Senior California Pageant .  I participated in this beautiful pageant to model the importance of   Showing Up For Your Self  ! For my talent, I wrote and performed an orginal poem Where Is Your Beauty? This message is for everyone, regardless of age or gender! Where Is Your Beauty? Where is your beauty? Be still. Turn inward. It’s there. How is that possible?   Beauty is birthed from within. Its genesis?  A seed of self-worth. Waiting to be nourished and nurtured.   At first, the seed is watered and fed by others. Nutrients of Love. Compassion. Protection. Encouragement. The seed of self-worth takes root.   Time passes.  A stem of worth emerges. Fed with Confidence. Strength. Belonging. Acceptance. The essence of inner beauty begins to form.    All growth faces resistance. Outside forces can be cruel. Even forces close to us. As the stem of worth suffers, so does its budding beauty.

Are You Showing Up For Your Self? 3 Reasons For Doing So!

I'm so excited! On March 30th, 2024,  I will be participating in the  Ms. Senior California Age of Elegance Pageant! Before you chuckle or secretly judge me, I want you to know that I am doing this because I have learned the importance of Showing Up For My Self! And not just as a senior female, but throughout my entire adult life. And so, I pose this question to you – Are You Showing Up For Your Self ?   3  Reasons For Doing So! One: You Respect Your Self When you show up for Your Self,   You Respect Your Self.   This means that you take really good care of Your Self in all areas of your life.   For example, you make it a priority to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. You Respect Your Self by pursuing your interests, abilities, and talents. You Respect Your Self by staying true to who you are and what is important to you. There are many reasons why individuals don't take good care of themselves or lose interest in doing so . There is one reason, however

Daughter and Mother: A Story of Healing and Hope - Part Three

  Daughter and Mother: A Story of Healing and Hope - Part Three If you have not read Part One , begin here. If you have not read Part Two , begin here.   Session Three: Our Relationship: Past and Present When Yvonne, Sally and I greeted one another, there was a noticeable lightness in the air. Although I felt a sense of relief, I knew that processing the questions from their homework also required additional vulnerability and complete honesty. After a few moments of small talk, we dove into the assignment. I reminded Yvonne and Sally that after each one shared her answers, the other would again utilize the “reflective listening phrases” when responding. The six questions were arranged in a specific order. Although no one question was easier than another, the serious nature around each question deepened from #1 to #6, as did its potential for healing the relationship moving forward. The first few questions centered around how Daughter and Mother each felt about herself in her ro

Daughter and Mother: A Story of Healing and Hope - Part Two

Daughter and Mother: A Story of Healing and Hope - Part Two If you have not read Part One , please begin reading.  Session Two: The Me You Cannot See A week later, Yvonne and Sally entered my office.   Immediately, a thick anxious energy filled the room. We settled into our chairs, with Yvonne and Sally facing one another. I sat to the side between them. I began the session with some deep breathing exercises. We closed our eyes, relaxed our bodies, and released the tense energy among us. In our private sessions, Yvonne had shared with me that whenever she tried to talk to her mom in the past about the abuse, her mom always defended or excused her behaviors around not protecting Yvonne.   So, before Yvonne shared her betrayal narrative, I provided Sally with a list of “reflective listening phrases” – such as “I hear you saying ….” Or “Could you tell me more…I want to understand…“   I also modeled this reflective listening skill for Sally as she would be asked to respond to her daug

Daughter and Mother: A Story of Healing and Hope - Part One

Daughter and Mother: A Story of Healing and Hope - Part One  Introduction As a Marriage and Family Therapist for over 25 years, until several weeks ago I had never witnessed in a therapeutic session such profound healing and hope that took place between a daughter and her mother.   Both women were vulnerable – filled with “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure” (Brene Brown).   Both women were brave. Both women were willing to trust the process. The Daughter and Mother session was an extension of my work with my client – the Daughter, who I will call Yvonne . In a prior blog, Shame: It Was Never Yours To Carry , I introduced Yvonne as a young woman who described the genesis of her painful, abusive childhood in words I had never before heard: “I was born into Shame.” In our ensuing sessions, Yvonne demonstrated her commitment and courage to her recovery. She and I processed her layers of Shame. Throughout her entire life as a child, adolescent, and teen years, Yvonne was a v