Staying Mentally Well During COVID-19:It's SoothingTo Soak

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us are acclimating to "resting in place" mandates or recommendations. Losses continue to be felt on every level. Financial worries are becoming hard realities. Fear, anxiety, and stress are running rampant creating havoc with our emotional well being. During this time of extreme overwhelm and upset, it is critical to embrace healthy releases. Although we are confined to our spaces, we have an accessible healing tool available to us - Soaking.

When we think of the word "soak," most of think of removing something by immersing it in water for a period of time, like a stain on a shirt. For our purposes of removing overwhelm from our lives, to soak means to allow suffering to enter and pass through you. In other words, don't fight the upset. Allow it to enter. Feel it. Acknowledge it. And then, allow it to pass through you.
How do we accomplish that?

Before the COVID-19 crisis, I was working with a client who has an extremely long commute to work, a difficult tiring 10 hour shift, and an even longer commute home in rush hour traffic. When I asked her about self-care practices she was embracing on the weekend, she smiled and replied, "Holli, on Saturday and Sunday, I soak in my bed." I loved it! She went on to explain how her boyfriend waits until she wakes up; then he brings her coffee. Next, they both nestle into their soft soothing bed, relaxing and unwinding. Sharing their ritual of soaking in bed, my client explained further how her mind, body, and spirit moved out of a state of depletion and entered a place of renewal.

In addition to soaking in bed, many individuals find that soaking in a bath, or hot tub, and or taking a long cleansing shower is an excellent release as well. Not only can we soak in our beds and in our baths, but we can also soak in nature. If you are not able to walk outside, it is nurturing to spend some time in the sun. Perhaps you can sit outside for a while on your balcony, patio/porch, or stoop. Or, open a window and allow your face to bask in nature's healing rays. Not only does the sun provide us with a source of vitamin D, important for its healing properties, but the warmth from the sun fills us with a sense of  strength and nourishment.
Lastly, it is healing to soak in our spiritual practices, rituals, and routines. Whatever path you embrace, spend time soaking in words, passages, beliefs, prayers, music, etc. which speak to your soul. With so many things out of our control, we can choose to revisit timeless truths of renewal and replenishment. Most importantly, when we focus on sources of hope, we let go of our fears. And, we are present for the joy in every moment.
~ Stay Safe and Well ~

For more posts in this series:

It's Healing To Cry
It's Comforting To Draw Strength From Our Elders
Understanding Our Grief Helps Us To Move Through It

For more healing resources, Holli Kenley, MA, LMFT


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