Staying Mentally Well During COVID: Own Your Relapse, Release Your Shame, & Get Back On Track!

The past few months of the COVID-19 pandemic have been hard on everyone. In the past several blogs of Staying Mentally Well During COVID-19, we have discussed the psychological, physical, and economic toll it has taken on us. And, we have covered a few healing strategies for managing the myriad of stresses and their accompanying symptoms (*see below).

Today, it is important to talk about Relapse - a sensitive topic which is impacting almost everyone in some form and to some degree.  

Before you say to yourself, "Well, I'm not an addict or alcoholic,"  please read on.

We relapse anytime we fall back or regress into, or return to any kind of unhealthy relationship or pattern of thinking, behaving, or feeling after a period of  stability or wellness.

Over the past several months, I have listened to clients as they beat themselves up in the followings ways:
  • For giving up on their healthy eating choices
  • For blowing up at their kids after managing their anger for years
  • For drinking way too much in order to lessen anxiety and get some sleep
  • For reconnecting with unhealthy friends or family members out of sheer loneliness, only to be hurt again. The list goes on...and on.
If you have relapsed into some kind of unhealthy pattern, I want you to know that you are not alone! You are in good company. More importantly, it's never too late to begin again.  Never.

First, Own Your Relapse

Right now, Own Your Relapse. Admit it to yourself. Write it down. Say it out loud. Share it with others who deserve or need to hear it.

Secondly, Release Your Shame 

Remember this. Shame is toxic.  It keeps us stuck. It keeps us shut down. It robs us of all the good parts of ourselves. And, this is important...

Shame fuels and feeds relapse. Relapse fuels and feeds shame. 

Therefore, Release Your Shame. Forgive yourself. Pray, meditate, journal.  Use whatever process works for you but let it go.  The sooner you release it, the sooner you will get back on track.
Thirdly, Get Back On Track

Make a commitment for returning to your healthy ways of being. This might mean returning to your 12 Step meetings (online), or reconnecting with a coach, counselor, or mentor. Or, it may be creating a daily / weekly plan of goal setting with accountability measures in place. It might mean having a partner / family meeting where individuals share their plans for getting back on track and asking for their support.

Many of my clients have reported that by simply getting back into their routines, with some modifications, has shifted their entire mindset! Who knew that getting up early, walking or engaging in other forms of exercising, showering, getting dressed, making the bed, etc. could feel so good and get them back on track!

What ever you choose, start today. Start right now. You can do this. 
COVID has taken so much from us. Don't let it take away your wellness too. 
For more on Relapse and Recovery, consider picking up a copy of 

You will not feel judged as I share my journey of relapse and recovery with you.
And, there are a series of carefully paced exercises to get you back on track.


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